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No. 3

Front Cover: Downpatrick Station 2005


  1. A Lecale Soldier.....Brian S. Turner
    • Photograph and short biography of Sergeant Robert Smith (1871-1923) from Grangewalls.
  2. An Elizabethan map of north-east Down.....Kay Muhr
    • In depth analysis of a 1580 map, annotated by Lord Burghley, examining and explaining the placenames and settlements of the late sixteenth century, including those of Lecale.
  3. Mick Taggart's Townlands.....Brian S. Turner
    • An evocation of place. An elderly man names most of the townlands of Lecale from memory - a feat now unlikely to be repeated in the light of the Post Office naming protocols.
  4. A shared vision - The Lecale of Arthur Mason, Senan Sharvin, and T.M. Tate.....Colm Rooney
    • Remembering three local writers from the early twentieth century whose works drew on their love of the landscape and the history of Lecale.
  5. Dorans at the hay, Ballylucas 1955.....William Stranney
    • A photograph of a rural scene, taken on a warm July afternoon, reveals a surprising amount of historical detail about the farm and the buildings.
  6. Arts and crafts at Feis Chaisleain Nuaidh 1904.....Joseph McBrinn
    • An account of an important cultural event which was the precursor of the Feis an Duin.
  7. Notes on Contributors.....
    • Short note on each of the ten contributors to the 2005 journal
  8. A note on Irish union pipes.....Robbie Hughes
    • An accomplished pipe maker and performer recalls some piping links with Lecale.
  9. By the turn of post: An emigrant letter from New York to Lecale, 1856.....Sophia Hillen
    • A letter found among family papers is the inspiration for this piece on family history linking the 'new world' with the 'old'.
  10. Strangford Presbyterian Church: Register of Marriages 1848 - 1900.....Wendy Osborne
    • A short history of the church, which closed in 2003, and a transcription of the Marriage Register.
  11. Tea in Ballyhornan in 1791.....Brian S. Turner
    • Two poems by a literate CoI curate in turn castigating and praising Ballyhornan
  12. Six local children poisoned.....From the Downpatrick Recorder 9 September 1837
    • The perils of poisonous fungi
  13. Admiral Blackwood.....Brian S. Turner
    • A Killyleagh born seaman who was with Admiral Nelson when he fell at Trafalgar.
  14. Downpatrick Historical Society.....William Stranney
    • The precursor of Lecale Historical Society.
  15. Lord Fitt of Bells Hill.....Berkley Farr
    • Lord Fitt's connections with the townland of Dunnanelly.
  16. Book Notices.....Gordon Wheeler
    • Review of five historical publications connected with County Down.
  17. Recent Periodicals: selective contents lists.....Gordon Wheeler
    • Buildings at Risk Northern Ireland, Vol 7, March 2005 (Ulster Architectural Heritage Society)
    • Down Survey. Yearbook of Down County Museum 2004
    • Due North, Vol 1, Autumn/Winter 2004 (Federation for Ulster Local Studies)
    • [Inverbrena, No 9] Strangford. Memories from Inverbrena, 2004 (Inverbrena Local History Group)
    • Journal of the Upper Ards Historical Society, No 29, 2005
  18. Review of the year, 2004/5.....Berkley Farr
    • Some of the main activities of the Society over the past year.
  19. Trains across the Quoile.....Berkley Farr
    • The opening of a new station by the Downpatrick and County Down Railway Society.
  20. Lecale Review.....Wendy Osborne
    • Request for articles, photographs etc for inclusion in the journal
  21. Lecale Historical Society.....
    • Information about the origins and purpose of the Society and about membership costs and benefits.
  22. Lecale Historical Society: Members at 31 March 2005.....
    • A list of all of the Society members at the end of the membership year.

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Updated: 22 November 2005