Click on 'Page No' to find Occupier on townland/street page at the number in the last column. |
Surname | Christian Name | Town/Village | Townland/Street | Page No | No of reference to Map |
MacIvor | Mrs. | Demesne of Down | 321 | 168 | |
Mackee | Mary Anne | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 13 |
Mackey | John | Saul | 239 | 6 | |
Macnamara | Thomas | Saul | 238 | 2 | |
Macneill | John | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 2 | |
Macneill | John sen. | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 3 | |
Madden | Charles | Aghlisnafin | 266 | 40 | |
Madine | Arthur | Annacloy | 225 | 65 | |
Madine | James | Ballydugan | 302 | 15 | |
Madine | John | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 53 |
Madine | John | Ballylough | 268 | 49 | |
Madine | Letitia | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 85 |
Madine | Robert | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 281 | 56 |
Magean | John | Ballygally | 228 | 31 | |
Magean | Patrick | Ballysugagh | 245 | 8 | |
Magee | Anne | Ballywoodan | 231 | 15 | |
Magee | Anne | Ballyrolly | 304 | 3 | |
Magee | Bernard | Ballyclander Lower | 193 | 7 | |
Magee | Bernard | Castlescreen | 301 | 3 | |
Magee | Catherine | Ballyhornan | 217 | 2 | |
Magee | Charles | Ballyhornan | 218 | 12 | |
Magee | Charles | Dunnalelly | 221 | 2 | |
Magee | Daniel | Ardglass | Kildare Street | 254 | 35 |
Magee | Eliza | Ardglass | 252 | 29 | |
Magee | Elizabeth | Ardglass | High Street | 256 | 59 |
Magee | Elizabeth | Killard Lower | 231 | 6 | |
Magee | Elizabeth | Killard Lower | 231 | 9 | |
Magee | Isabella | Ballywoodan | 231 | 10 | |
Magee | James | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 322 | 28 |
Magee | James | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 329 | 63 |
Magee | James | Lagnagoppoge | 209 | 3 | |
Magee | James | Ballyhornan | 217 | 7 | |
Magee | James | Ballywoodan | 231 | 4 | |
Magee | James | Glebe | 233 | 22 | |
Magee | James | Ballintogher | 241 | 33 | |
Magee | James | Ballintogher | 241 | 45 | |
Magee | James | Ballynagross Lower. | 195 | 13 | |
Magee | James sen. | Ballyorgan | 237 | 2 | |
Magee | James sen. | Ballyorgan | 237 | 8 | |
Magee | John | Ardglass | Strangford Road | 258 | 7 |
Magee | John | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 82 |
Magee | John | Ballynagarrick | 203 | 2 | |
Magee | John | Corbally | 215 | 2 | |
Magee | John | Ballyhornan | 217 | 2 | |
Magee | John | Ballywoodan | 231 | 15 | |
Magee | John | Killard Lower | 231 | 7 | |
Magee | John | Killard Lower | 231 | 9 | |
Magee | John | Commons of Clanmaghery | 288 | 3 | |
Magee | John | Ballybannan | 263 | 40 | |
Magee | John | Wateresk | 264 | 12 | |
Magee | John | Ballyclander Upper | 193 | 2 | |
Magee | John jun. | Ballywoodan | 231 | 8 | |
Magee | John jun. | Ballywoodan | 231 | 7 | |
Magee | Margaret | Downpatrick | Market Street | 324 | 12 |
Magee | Margaret | Ballynagarrick | 203 | 3 | |
Magee | Mary | Ballynagarrick | 203 | 5 | |
Magee | Mary | Glebe | 233 | 17 | |
Magee | Mary Anne | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 12 |
Magee | Michael | Ballynagarrick | 203 | 4 | |
Magee | Michael | Ballycruttle | 194 | 1 | |
Magee | Michael | Ballynagross Lower | 194 | 2 | |
Magee | Patrick | Ballyhornan | 217 | 2 | |
Magee | Patrick | Annacloy | 223 | 1 | |
Magee | Patrick | Glebe | 234 | 25 | |
Magee | Patrick | Commons of Clanmaghery | 288 | 6 | |
Magee | Patrick | Wateresk | 265 | 36 | |
Magee | Robert | Ballytrustan | 200 | 2 | |
Magee | Sarah | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 332 | 40 |
Magee | Sarah | Town of Strangford | 212 | 102 | |
Magee | Susan | Ardglass | Kildare Street | 254 | 45 |
Magee | Thomas | Ardglass | Hill Street | 256 | 26 |
Magee | Thomas | Killough | Barrack Street | 281 | 19 |
Magee | Thomas | Town of Strangford | 212 | 132 | |
Magee | William | Ardglass | Hill Street | 256 | 21 |
Magee | William | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 332 | 20 |
Magee | William | Ballyalton | 199 | 2 | |
Magee | William | Ballymenagh | 214 | 2 | |
Magenity | Richard | Lisbane | 244 | 6 | |
Magennis | Bernard | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 11 | |
Magennis | Edward | Clanmaghery | 289 | 10 | |
Magennis | Edward | Tyrella South | 291 | 1 | |
Magennis | Edward | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 11 | |
Magennis | Edward | Ballylough | 267 | 31 | |
Magennis | Edward | Ballylough | 268 | 36 | |
Magennis | Elizabeth | Grangicam | 317 | 8 | |
Magennis | Hugh | Rossglass | 276 | 12 | |
Magennis | Hugh | Hollymount | 305 | 16 | |
Magennis | Hugh | Moneylane | 270 | 6 | |
Magennis | James | Tyrella North | 290 | 16 | |
Magennis | James | Woodgrange | 309 | 3 | |
Magennis | James | Woodgrange | 309 | 6 | |
Magennis | James | Moneylane | 270 | 26 | |
Magennis | John | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 8 |
Magennis | John | Rathmullan Lower | 285 | 2 | |
Magennis | John | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 11 | |
Magennis | John | Ballylough | 268 | 34.40 | |
Magennis | Margaret | Ballymote Upper | 317 | 9 | |
Magennis | Patrick | Tyrella North | 290 | 11 | |
Magennis | Patrick | Moneylane | 269 | 2 | |
Magennis | Philip | Ballydugan | 302 | 11 | |
Magennis | Roger | Woodgrange | 309 | 3 | |
Magennis | Thomas | Tyrella North | 290 | 12 | |
Magennity | Rose | Lisboy | 244 | 5 | |
Magill | Catherine | Ballintogher | 241 | 34 | |
Magill | Charles | Ballintogher | 241 | 32 | |
Magill | Charles | Lisboy | 244 | 2 | |
Magill | Charles | Lisboy | 244 | 4 | |
Magill | Charles | Ballysugagh | 246 | 23 | |
Magill | Henry | Ballintogher | 240 | 25 | |
Magill | Hugh | Woodgrange | 309 | 12 | |
Magill | James | Lisboy | 244 | 6 | |
Magill | James | Ballysugagh | 245 | 10 | |
Magill | James | Ballysugagh | 246 | 24 | |
Magill | John | Carrintaggart | 206 | 4 | |
Magillon | Hugh | Carrowbaghran | 197 | 7 | |
Maginity | Rose | Castle Island | 247 | 1 | |
Maginity | Rose | Hare Island | 247 | 1 | |
Maginn | Rev. Pat | Kilclief | 234 | 13 | |
Maginn | Richard | Ballybannan | 262 | 65 | |
Maginn | Richard | Ballylough | 267 | 32 | |
Maginn | Rose | Ballysugagh | 245 | 10 | |
Maglennon | Henry | Tobermoney | 315 | 7 | |
Maglennon | Hugh | Downpatrick | John Street | 327 | 7 |
Maglennon | James | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 87 |
Maglennon | James | Ballintogher | 242 | 52 | |
Maglennon | James | Ballintogher | 242 | 53 | |
Maglennon | James | Ardmeen | 312 | 1 | |
Maglennon | John | Saul | 239 | 4 | |
Maglennon | John | Saul | 239 | 38 | |
Maglennon | John | Ballintogher | 241 | 40 | |
Maglennon | Susan jun. | Ardmeen | 312 | 1 | |
Maglennon | Susan sen. | Ardmeen | 312 | 5 | |
Maglennon | Susan sen. | Ardmeen | 312 | 6 | |
Maglenon | Bernard | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 7 | |
Maglenon | Bernard | Carrowvanny | 247 | 1 | |
Maglenon | Catherine | Carrowvanny | 247 | 3 | |
Maglenon | Daniel | Ballynagross Upper | 195 | 2 | |
Maglenon | David | Lisbane | 244 | 4 | |
Maglenon | Denis | Carrowvanny | 247 | 2 | |
Maglenon | Edward | Ballystokes | 245 | 7 | |
Maglenon | Elizabeth | Ballystokes | 245 | 8 | |
Maglenon | Henry | Ballystokes | 245 | 10 | |
Maglenon | Hugh | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 323 | 75 |
Maglenon | James | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 9 | |
Maglenon | James | Ballystokes | 245 | 6 | |
Maglenon | James | Carrowvanny | 247 | 4 | |
Maglenon | James | Castle Island | 247 | 1 | |
Maglenon | James | Hare Island | 247 | 1 | |
Maglenon | Mary | Slievenagriddle | 202 | 12 | |
Maglenon | Mary | Slievenagriddle | 202 | 12 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 11 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Loughmoney | 202 | 2 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Loughmoney | 202 | 2 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Carrowvanny | 247 | 5 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Carrowvanny | 247 | 7 | |
Maglenon | Neal | Ballymurry | 194 | 1 | |
Maglenon | Patrick | Ballystokes | 245 | 3 | |
Maglenon | Thomas | Slievenagriddle | 202 | 12 | |
Maglenon | Thomas | Slievenagriddle | 202 | 12 | |
Maglenon | Wiliam | Walshestown | 243 | 10 | |
Maglenon | William | Ballystokes | 245 | 2 | |
Magleton | Hugh | Downpatrick | Circular Road | 324 | 2 |
Magorian | Eliza | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 1 | |
Magorian | Matthew | Ballykinler Middle | 259 | 2 | |
Magorian | Matthew | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 27 | |
Magorian | William | Ballykinler Middle | 259 | 3 | |
Magovern | Peter | Ballysugagh | 246 | 27 | |
Magrath | Anne | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 332 | 9 |
Magrath | Catherine | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 75 |
Magrath | Henry | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 4 | |
Magrath | Henry | Town of Strangford | 211 | 89 | |
Magrath | James | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 88 |
Magrath | James | Ardglass | 252 | 27 | |
Magrath | John | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 5 | |
Magrath | John | Tobermoney | 315 | 6 | |
Magrath | John | Tobermoney | 315 | 7 | |
Magrath | Sarah | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 70 |
Magravy | James | Killough | Castle Street | 278 | 2 |
Magraw | James | Commons of Clanmaghery | 288 | 1 | |
Magraw | Patrick | Loughmoney | 202 | 8 | |
Magraw | Patrick | Loughmoney | 202 | 8 | |
Magreevy | John | Magheracranmoney | 222 | 6 | |
Magreevy | Patrick | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 20 |
Magrevy | Margaret | Killough | Barrack Lane | 282 | 7 |
Maguire | Bernard | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 3 |
Maguire | Bernard | Commons of Clanmaghery | 288 | 4 | |
Maguire | Hamilton | Dundrum | 271 | 3 | |
Maguire | Henry | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 19 |
Maguire | Henry | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 20 |
Maguire | Henry | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 123 |
Maguire | Henry | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 4 |
Maguire | Henry | Demesne of Down | 319 | 33 | |
Maguire | Henry | Demesne of Down | 319 | 57 | |
Maguire | Henry | Demesne of Down | 319 | 60 | |
Maguire | Henry | Demesne of Down | 320 | 83 | |
Maguire | Hugh | Kilclief | 235 | 16 | |
Maguire | James | Downpatrick | John Street | 327 | 45 |
Maguire | James | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 52 |
Maguire | John | Downpatrick | Race Course Hill | 326 | 10 |
Maguire | Mary | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 335 | 4 |
Maguire | Sarah | Ballylucas | 283 | 7 | |
Maguire | William | Ardtole | 249 | 20 | |
Maguire | William | Ardglass | 253 | 41 | |
Mahaffy | James | Aghlisnafin | 266 | 46 | |
Mahaffy | James | Moneylane | 270 | 8 | |
Mahaffy | James | Dundrum | 271 | 4 | |
Malcolm | Sarah | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 332 | 15 |
Mallin | Patrick | Ballykinler Lower | 261 | 5 | |
Malone | Bernard | Ballysugagh | 245 | 10 | |
Malone | Mary Harriet | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 1 |
Malone | Samuel | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 71 |
Malone | Samuel | Demesne of Down | 319 | 56 | |
Malone | Samuel | Demesne of Down | 320 | 84 | |
Malony | Michael | Clanmaghery | 289 | 16 | |
Manarry | John | Ross | 251 | 3 | |
Markey | Philip | Ballytrustan | 200 | 10 | |
Marley | Elizabeth | Grangewalls | 299 | 2 | |
Marmion | Mary | Ballylucas | 284 | 26 | |
Marmion | Mary | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 2 | |
Marmion | Mary | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 5 | |
Marmion | Mary | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 6 | |
Marmion | Rose | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 5 | |
Marshall | John | Downpatrick | English Street | 335 | 25 |
Marshall | Margaret | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 28 |
Martin | Eliza | Woodgrange | 309 | 16 | |
Martin | Elizabeth | Tobermoney | 315 | 2 | |
Martin | George | Tullycarnan | 251 | 9 | |
Martin | George | Ardglass | 253 | 37 | |
Martin | Hugh | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 28 |
Martin | James | Ardglass | Bath Street | 256 | 1 |
Martin | James | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 94 |
Martin | James | Dunsfort | 215 | 7 | |
Martin | James | Ballyvaston | 273 | 6 | |
Martin | James E. | Ardglass | 252 | 10 | |
Martin | James Hill | Lismore | 216 | 9 | |
Martin | John | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 106 |
Martin | John | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 107 |
Martin | John | Dunsfort | 215 | 5 | |
Martin | John | Lismore | 216 | 8 | |
Martin | John | Coney Island | 249 | 1 | |
Martin | John | Hollymount | 305 | 18 | |
Martin | John | Woodgrange | 310 | 37 | |
Martin | Joseph | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 39 |
Martin | Joseph | Ballyclander Upper | 194 | 8 | |
Martin | Joseph | Ballywarren | 313 | 3 | |
Martin | Joseph | Clogher | 313 | 5 | |
Martin | Joseph | Clogher | 313 | 7 | |
Martin | Joseph | Jordan's Acre | 314 | 2 | |
Martin | Joseph | Tobermoney | 315 | 1 | |
Martin | Joseph | Tobermoney | 315 | 3 | |
Martin | Margaret | Tullycarnon | 252 | 9 | |
Martin | Margaret | Magherasaul | 264 | 25 | |
Martin | Mary | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 25 |
Martin | Reps. Elizabeth | Ballywarren | 313 | 11 | |
Martin | Rev. T.F. | Village of Dundrum | 272 | 20 | |
Martin | Robert | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 10 |
Martin | Robert | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 21 |
Martin | Robert | Quoile | 237 | 10 | |
Martin | Robert | Ballydugan | 302 | 5 | |
Martin | Robert | Ballydugan | 302 | 6 | |
Martin | Robert | Demesne of Down | 319 | 31 | |
Martin | Robert | Demesne of Down | 319 | 56 | |
Martin | Robert | Demesne of Down | 319 | 59 | |
Martin | Samuel | Magheracranmoney | 223 | 20 | |
Martin | Samuel | Ballymote Lower | 312 | 1 | |
Martin | Sarah | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 38 |
Martin | Simon | Ballymenagh | 214 | 2 | |
Martin | Simon | Bishop's Court | 214 | 2 | |
Martin | Thomas | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 42 |
Martin | Thomas | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 65 |
Martin | William | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 56 |
Martin | William | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 32 |
Martin | William | Dunsfort | 215 | 12 | |
Martin | William | Dunsfort | 215 | 17 | |
Martin | William | Ringawaddy | 216 | 2 | |
Martin | William | Woodgrange | 310 | 37 | |
Martin | Rev. James | Town of Strangford | 211 | 80 | |
Mason | Anne | Wateresk | 265 | 44 | |
Mason | Daniel | Wateresk | 265 | 45 | |
Mason | Elizabeth | Wateresk | 265 | 45 | |
Mason | Felix | Bright | 295 | 24 | |
Mason | Francis | Ballylough | 268 | 34.23 | |
Mason | Grace | Murlough Lower | 270 | 3 | |
Mason | John | Ballylough | 267 | 16 | |
Mason | Margaret | Ballyplunt | 284 | 1 | |
Mason | Margaret | Coniamstown | 298 | 8 | |
Mason | Margaret | Ballybannan | 263 | 17 | |
Mason | Mary | Kilclief | 235 | 15 | |
Mason | Patrick | Coniamstown | 298 | 7 | |
Mason | Robert | Murlough Lower | 271 | 9 | |
Mason | Robert jun. | Wateresk | 265 | 46 | |
Mason | Robert sen. | Wateresk | 265 | 44 | |
Mason | Rose | Killard Lower | 231 | 8 | |
Mason | Rose | Killard Lower | 231 | 9 | |
Mason | Thomas | Wateresk | 265 | 30 | |
Mason | William | Ballydugan | 302 | 18 | |
Mathews | Henry | Ballygally | 227 | 10 | |
Mathews | Hugh | Balinarry | 203 | 8 | |
Mathews | Hugh | Castlemahon | 208 | 9 | |
Mathews | James | Turmennan | 230 | 22 | |
Mathews | James | Ballylough | 267 | 24 | |
Mathews | John | Turmennan | 230 | 25 | |
Mathews | John | Saul Quarter | 314 | 2 | |
Mathews | Margaret | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 76 |
Mathews | Mary | Town of Strangford | 210 | 29 | |
Mathews | Thomas | Turmennan | 230 | 16 | |
Matier | Eleanor | Ballylough | 268 | 34.37 | |
Maxwell | George | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 329 | 55 |
Maxwell | James | Woodgrange | 309 | 15 | |
Maxwell | John | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 81 |
Maxwell | John | Dunnanelly | 222 | 6 | |
Maxwell | John | Ballygally | 229 | 65 | |
Maxwell | John W. | Ballynacraig | 221 | 2 | |
Maxwell | John W. | Magheracranmoney | 222 | 1 | |
Maxwell | John W. | Inch | 226 | 5 | |
Maxwell | John W. | Ballyrenan | 226 | 1 | |
Maxwell | John W. | Finnabrogue | 229 | 1 | |
Maxwell | Patrick | Magherasaul | 263 | 4 | |
Maxwell | Samuel | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 73 |
Maxwell | John W. | Shooter's Island | 230 | 1 | |
Meekan | Anthony | Downpatrick | Church Street | 334 | 3 |
Megarry | Henry | Marshallstown | 318 | 3 | |
Megarry | Mary Anne | Grangicam | 317 | 1 | |
Megraw | Bernard | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 8 | |
Megraw | Henry | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 26 | |
Megraw | James | Ballylucas | 284 | 8 | |
Megraw | James | Ballylucas | 284 | 9 | |
Mellon | John | Ardglass | Kildare Street | 253 | 1 |
Mellon | John | Isle McCricket | 236 | 1 | |
Melville | David | Moneylane | 270 | 11 | |
Melville | John | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 71 |
Melville | Samuel | Magheracranmoney | 223 | 21 | |
Melvin | David | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 9 | |
Melvin | Edward | Tobermoney | 315 | 3 | |
Menarry | William | Struell | 314 | 5 | |
Menown | Isabella | Spittle Ballee | 198 | 1 | |
Menown | Isabella | Ballywarren | 313 | 10 | |
Menown | John | Ardtole | 249 | 19 | |
Menown | John | Ardglass | 252 | 20 | |
Menown | John jun. | Ringfad | 250 | 3 | |
Menown | John sen. | Ringfad | 250 | 2 | |
Meredyth | H.W. | Turmennan | 230 | 18 | |
Meredyth | H.W. | Ballintogher | 241 | 30 | |
Meredyth | H.W. | Woodgrange | 309 | 19 | |
Miliken | Patrick | Coney Island | 250 | 7 | |
Miller | Alexander | Downpatrick | English Street | 335 | 27 |
Miller | Alexander | Downpatrick | English Street | 335 | 37 |
Miller | Alexander | Demesne of Down | 319 | 45 | |
Miller | Alexander | Demesne of Down | 320 | 130 | |
Miller | Ellen | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 98 |
Miller | John | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 10 |
Miller | John | Ballyclander Upper | 194 | 10 | |
Miller | Joseph | Ballyclander Upper | 193 | 4 | |
Miller | Thomas | Ballyclander Lower | 193 | 1 | |
Milliken | Daniel | Rossglass | 276 | 17 | |
Mills | James | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 335 | 2 |
Mitchell | Anne | Village of Dundrum | 273 | 44 | |
Mitchell | Anne | Dundrum | 272 | 15 | |
Mitchell | Isabella | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 36 |
Mitchell | James | Woodgrange | 310 | 30 | |
Mitchell | Joseph | Ballylough | 268 | 34.31 | |
Mitchell | Maryanne | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 323 | 65 |
Moffatt | Jane | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 16 |
Moffatt | John | Downpatrick | John Street | 327 | 34 |
Moffatt | John | Ballyplunt | 285 | 4 | |
Moffatt | John | Demesne of Down | 320 | 104 | |
Molloy | James | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 3 |
Molloy | James | Ballylucas | 284 | 28 | |
Molloy | James | Ballydargan | 299 | 9 | |
Molloy | James | Ballydugan | 302 | 17 | |
Monaghan | John | Village of Dundrum | 272 | 33 | |
Monaghan | Mary | Downpatrick | Mary Street | 326 | 7 |
Monaghan | Thomas | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 18 |
Monan | James | Dunsfort | 215 | 3 | |
Monan | Patrick | Lismore | 216 | 10 | |
Monce | Joseph | Ballyhosset | 199 | 7 | |
Monce | Joseph | Ballynagross Upper | 195 | 4 | |
Monce | William | Ballynagross Upper | 195 | 1 | |
Montgomery | Andrew | Ballybannan | 262 | 7 | |
Montgomery | Arth. H. | Tyrella South | 291 | 1 | |
Montgomery | Arthur H. | Downpatrick | English Street | 335 | 10 |
Montgomery | Arthur H. | Tyrella South | 291 | 1 | |
Montgomery | Arthur H. | Clanmaghery | 289 | 11 | |
Montgomery | George | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 27 |
Montgomery | George | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 28 |
Montgomery | George | Killough | 277 | 8 | |
Montgomery | George | Strand | 297 | 3 | |
Montgomery | Henry | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 321 | 3 |
Montgomery | Henry | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 321 | 3 |
Montgomery | Henry | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 322 | 8 |
Montgomery | Henry | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 324 | 115 |
Montgomery | Hugh | Rathmullan Upper | 286 | 1 | |
Montgomery | Hugh | Glovet | 290 | 8 | |
Montgomery | John | Ballybannan | 262 | 79 | |
Montgomery | Michael | Ballyculter Lower | 205 | 4 | |
Montgomery | Patrick | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 5 | |
Montgomery | Robert | Town of Strangford | 212 | 124 | |
Montgomery | William | Ballyculter Upper | 206 | 8 | |
Montgomery | William | Ballykinler Middle | 259 | 26 | |
Montgomery | William | Kilbride | 296 | 12 | |
Mooney | Hugh | Ardmeen | 312 | 3 | |
Mooney | Jane | Ballywoodan | 231 | 13 | |
Mooney | Margaret | Struell | 314 | 5 | |
Mooney | Patrick | Jordan's Crew | 250 | 4 | |
Mooney | Thomas | Killough | Quay Lane | 282 | 3 |
Moore | Andrew | Ballybannan | 262 | 93 | |
Moore | Charles | Ballylucas | 284 | 14 | |
Moore | Charles | Ballylucas | 284 | 21 | |
Moore | Charles | Ballylucas | 284 | 22 | |
Moore | Charles | Rathmullan Lower | 285 | 8 | |
Moore | Charles | Rathmullan Lower | 286 | 23 | |
Moore | Charles | Grangewalls | 299 | 8 | |
Moore | Charles | Grangewalls | 299 | 9 | |
Moore | Dunlop | Village of Dundrum | 273 | 49 | |
Moore | George | Ballyculter Upper | 206 | 2 | |
Moore | George | Saint John's Point | 275 | 1 | |
Moore | George | Killough | 277 | 17 | |
Moore | Henry | Ballylucas | 284 | 15 | |
Moore | Henry | Ballylucas | 284 | 16 | |
Moore | Henry | Ballydargan | 298 | 8 | |
Moore | Hugh | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 329 | 54 |
Moore | James | Ballytrustan | 200 | 9 | |
Moore | James | Ballylig | 294 | 3 | |
Moore | James | Ballydonety | 301 | 10 | |
Moore | James | Ballykeel | 303 | 15 | |
Moore | James | Hollymount | 306 | 21 | |
Moore | James | Aghlisnafin | 266 | 29 | |
Moore | James | Ballynagross Lower | 194 | 1 | |
Moore | Jane | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 13 |
Moore | Jane | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 39 |
Moore | Jane | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 4 |
Moore | Jane | Demesne of Down | 320 | 108 | |
Moore | John | Ballynagross Lower | 194 | 3 | |
Moore | John | Ballynagross Lower. | 195 | 13 | |
Moore | John | Rossglass | 276 | 4 | |
Moore | John | Rossglass | 276 | 7 | |
Moore | John | Ballylig | 294 | 4 | |
Moore | John | Grangewalls | 299 | 13 | |
Moore | John | Grangewalls | 300 | 14 | |
Moore | John | Ballylough | 268 | 34.28 | |
Moore | Maria | Ballykeel | 303 | 15 | |
Moore | Mary | Ballynagross Lower. | 195 | 9 | |
Moore | Mary | Ballynagross Lower. | 195 | 13 | |
Moore | Robert | Downpatrick | Scotch Street | 330 | 84 |
Moore | Robert | Ballylough | 267 | 34.8 | |
Moore | Samuel | Ballylig | 294 | 5 | |
Moore | Samuel | Lisoid | 297 | 23 | |
Moore | Samuel | Grangewalls | 299 | 10 | |
Moore | Sarah | Magherasaul | 263 | 7 | |
Moore | Sarah | Ballylough | 267 | 34.6 | |
Moore | William | Ballytrustan | 200 | 10 | |
Moore | William | Grangewalls | 299 | 6 | |
Moran | Henry | Ardglass | Kildare Street | 254 | 46 |
Moreland | Charles | Annacloy | 224 | 39 | |
Moreland | Henry | Magheralagan | 307 | 12 | |
Moreland | James | Annacloy | 224 | 41 | |
Moreland | John | Annacloy | 225 | 55 | |
Morgan | Ann | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 333 | 100 |
Morgan | Anne | Rossglass | 276 | 13 | |
Morgan | Bridget | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 26 |
Morgan | Ellen | Ardglass | Kildare Street | 253 | 11 |
Morgan | Hugh | Killough | Chapel Street | 282 | 7 |
Morgan | James | Killough | Fisherman's Row | 281 | 13 |
Morgan | John | Ardtole | 248 | 9 | |
Morgan | Margaret | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 325 | 67 |
Morgan | Michael | Ballybannan | 262 | 97 | |
Morgan | Thomas | Clanmaghery | 289 | 8 | |
Morris | Elizabeth | Ardglass | The Crescent | 256 | 8 |
Morrison | Agnes | Turmennan | 229 | 6 | |
Morrison | Charles | Downpatrick | New Bri dge Street | 338 | 17 |
Morrison | Charles | Dunnanelly | 222 | 26 | |
Morrison | Charles | Magheracranmoney | 222 | 2 | |
Morrison | Charles | Magheracranmoney | 223 | 25 | |
Morrison | Charles | Finnabrogue | 229 | 1 | |
Morrison | James | Magheracranmoney | 222 | 4 | |
Morrison | James | Ballyrenan | 226 | 13 | |
Morrison | John | Ballyrenan | 226 | 11 | |
Morrison | John | Turmennan | 230 | 12 | |
Morrison | Mary | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 325 | 15 |
Morrison | Mary | Demesne of Down | 321 | 163 | |
Morrison | Michael | Ballybannan | 262 | 60 | |
Morrison | Patrick | Ballykinler Lower | 261 | 17 | |
Morrison | Samuel | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 333 | 106 |
Morrison | Samuel | Ballyrenan | 226 | 18 | |
Morrison | Thomas | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 325 | 58 |
Morrison | Thomas | Downpatrick | John Street | 327 | 11 |
Morrison | Thomas | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 80 |
Morrison | Thomas | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 99 |
Morrison | Thomas | Ballyrenan | 226 | 2 | |
Morrison | Thomas | Ringreagh | 308 | 9 | |
Morrison | Thomas | Demesne of Down | 319 | 44 | |
Morrison | Thomas | Demesne of Down | 321 | 140 | |
Morrison | Thomas | Demesne of Down | 321 | 159 | |
Morrison (Ballydugan House) | Thomas | Ballydugan | 301 | 2 | |
Morrow | Finlay | Lismore | 216 | 3 | |
Morrow | Robert | Ballylough | 268 | 34.29 | |
Morrow | Samuel | Magherasaul | 264 | 25 | |
Morrow | Thomas | Lismore | 216 | 2 | |
Moss | Philip | Ballyclander Lower | 193 | 1 | |
Mulgan | Rev. Wm. E. | Downpatrick | English Street | 335 | 9 |
Mulholland | Arthur | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 17 | |
Mulholland | Bernard | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 18 | |
Mulholland | Charles | Ballydonety | 301 | 9 | |
Mulholland | Charles | Moneycarragh | 269 | 15 | |
Mulholland | Edward | Tollumgrange Upper | 220 | 1 | |
Mulholland | James | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 16 | |
Mulholland | Mary | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 19 | |
Mulholland | Patrick | Ballylough | 267 | 34.9 | |
Mulholland | Sophia | Ferryquarter | 209 | 1 | |
Mulholland | Thomas | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 323 | 91 |
Mulholland | Thomas | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 27 |
Mullan | Catherine | Ballintlieve | 204 | 7 | |
Mullan | Hugh | Downpatrick | Saul Street | 332 | 5 |
Mullan | Patrick | Slievenagriddle | 201 | 9 | |
Mullen | Anne | Ballyvaston | 274 | 11 | |
Mullen | Catherine | Ballintlieve | 204 | 9 | |
Mullen | Denis | Ballydugan | 302 | 16 | |
Mullen | John | Bonecastle | 304 | 1 | |
Mullen | Mary | Rossglass | 275 | 3 | |
Mullen | Patrick | Ardglass | 252 | 28 | |
Mulligan | Samuel | Ballyrolly | 304 | 4 | |
Mulvany | Peter | Grangewalls | 299 | 2 | |
Munce | John | Kildare's Crew | 250 | 3 | |
Munce | John | Kildare's Crew | 250 | 4 | |
Munce | Joseph | Jordan's Crew | 250 | 7 | |
Munce | Joseph | Kildare's Crew | 250 | 5 | |
Munce | Joseph | Tullycarnan | 251 | 3 | |
Munce | Joseph | Killough | 277 | 18 | |
Mundrick | George | Rossglass | 275 | 2 | |
Murdock | William | Marshallstown | 318 | 1 | |
Murland | Charles | Ballybannan | 262 | 3 | |
Murland | Charles | Magherasaul | 263 | 6 | |
Murland | Chas. | Ballylough | 267 | 34 | |
Murland | James | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 322 | 56 |
Murland | James | Demesne of Down | 320 | 124 | |
Murland | Saml. | Ballylough | 267 | 34 | |
Murland | Samuel | Magherasaul | 263 | 6 | |
Murnan | Hugh | Cloghy | 232 | 12 | |
Murnan | James | Strangford Upper | 207 | 8 | |
Murnan | James | Cloghy | 232 | 1 | |
Murnan | John | Kilclief | 234 | 9 | |
Murnan | Thomas | Kilclief | 234 | 8 | |
Murney | Anne | Lagnagoppoge | 209 | 7 | |
Murnin | Hugh | Ballynagallagh | 300 | 13 | |
Murnin | John | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 322 | 39 |
Murnin | John | Bright | 294 | 4 | |
Murnin | John | Bright | 294 | 6 | |
Murphy | Adam | Clanmaghery | 289 | 16 | |
Murphy | Agnes | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 41 |
Murphy | Alice | Ballyedock Upper | 218 | 4 | |
Murphy | Andrew | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 22 |
Murphy | Catherine | Ballyvaston | 274 | 16 | |
Murphy | Catherine | Rossglass | 275 | 2 | |
Murphy | Charles | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 54 |
Murphy | Christian | Quoile | 238 | 16 | |
Murphy | Daniel | Tullycarnan | 251 | 1 | |
Murphy | Daniel | Bright | 294 | 13 | |
Murphy | Denis | Saul | 239 | 40 | |
Murphy | Denis | Ballysugagh | 246 | 33 | |
Murphy | Edward | Ballyvaston | 273 | 1 | |
Murphy | Edward | Ballynagallagh | 300 | 2 | |
Murphy | Eliza | Town of Strangford | 212 | 127 | |
Murphy | Elizabeth | Ardglass | High Street | 255 | 36 |
Murphy | Elizabeth | Ballyvaston | 274 | 25 | |
Murphy | Henry | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 14 | |
Murphy | Henry | Ballyvaston | 273 | 2 | |
Murphy | Henry | Saint John's Point | 275 | 5 | |
Murphy | Henry | Rossglass | 275 | 1 | |
Murphy | Henry | Bright | 294 | 12 | |
Murphy | Henry | Crolly's Quarter | 295 | 1 | |
Murphy | Henry jun. | Ballyvaston | 274 | 22 | |
Murphy | Henry jun. | Ballyvaston | 274 | 25 | |
Murphy | Henry sen. | Ballyvaston | 274 | 14 | |
Murphy | Henry sen. | Ballyvaston | 274 | 25 | |
Murphy | Hugh | Glovet | 290 | 13 | |
Murphy | James | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 27 |
Murphy | James | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 28 |
Murphy | James | Downpatrick | Barn Street | 332 | 5 |
Murphy | James | Killough | Palatine Square | 278 | 1 |
Murphy | James | Town of Strangford | 210 | 3 | |
Murphy | James | Town of Strangford | 210 | 26 | |
Murphy | James | Town of Strangford | 211 | 85 | |
Murphy | James | Town of Strangford | 212 | 129 | |
Murphy | James | Town of Strangford | 213 | 152 | |
Murphy | James | Clanmaghery | 288 | 2 | |
Murphy | James | Grangewalls | 299 | 2 | |
Murphy | James | Ballymurry | 194 | 4 | |
Murphy | John jun. | Lisoid | 296 | 9 | |
Murphy | John sen. | Lisoid | 296 | 8 | |
Murphy | Luke | Ardglass | Bath Street | 257 | 25 |
Murphy | Mary | Town of Strangford | 210 | 32 | |
Murphy | Mary | Ballyhornan | 217 | 1 | |
Murphy | Mary | Coney Island | 249 | 3 | |
Murphy | Mary | Ballintogher | 241 | 25 | |
Murphy | Mary | Ballintogher | 241 | 28 | |
Murphy | Mary | Ballysugagh | 245 | 6 | |
Murphy | Mary | Castle Island | 247 | 1 | |
Murphy | Mary | Hare Island | 247 | 1 | |
Murphy | Mary Harriet | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 33 |
Murphy | Patrick | Ballygallum | 292 | 1 | |
Murphy | Patrick | Ballygallum | 292 | 9 | |
Murphy | Patrick | Ardmeen | 312 | 4 | |
Murphy | Patrick | Ballylough | 267 | 8 | |
Murphy | Peter | Downpatrick | John Street | 327 | 30 |
Murphy | Peter | Ballykinler Upper | 260 | 9 | |
Murphy | Richard | Town of Strangford | 211 | 69 | |
Murphy | Richard | Lisoid | 296 | 9 | |
Murphy | Rose | Killough | Downpatrick Road | 280 | 38 |
Murphy | Sarah | Downpatrick | John Street | 328 | 68 |
Murphy | Thomas | Town of Strangford | 211 | 90 | |
Murphy | Thomas | Ballydargan | 298 | 2 | |
Murphy | Thomas | Ballydargan | 298 | 9 | |
Murphy | William | Ferryquarter | 209 | 3 | |
Murphy | William | Town of Strangford | 212 | 119 | |
Murphy | William | Kilclief | 234 | 2 | |
Murphy | William | Ballintogher | 240 | 21 | |
Murphy | William | Ballyvaston | 274 | 25 | |
Murphy | William | Erenagh | 292 | 1 | |
Murphy | William | Erenagh | 292 | 6 | |
Murphy | William | Marshallstown | 318 | 8 | |
Murphy | William jun. | Ballyvaston | 274 | 26 | |
Murray | Bernard | Town of Strangford | 212 | 111 | |
Murray | Bernard | Glebe | 233 | 11 | |
Murray | Bernard | Ballylucas | 283 | 6 | |
Murray | Bernard | Tyrella South | 291 | 6 | |
Murray (Capt.) | Bernard | Glebe | 233 | 4 | |
Murray | Charles | Downpatrick | Circular Road | 324 | 3 |
Murray | Edward | Downpatrick | Fountain Street | 331 | 24 |
Murray | Henry | Saul | 239 | 15 | |
Murray | Hugh | Aghlasnafin | 265 | 13 | |
Murray | James | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 336 | 27 |
Murray | James | Downpatrick | Bridge Street | 337 | 116 |
Murray | James | Ballydock Lower | 214 | 3 | |
Murray | James | Dunsfort | 215 | 14 | |
Murray | James | Ballyedock Upper | 218 | 8 | |
Murray | James | Jordan's Crew | 250 | 8 | |
Murray | John | Downpatrick | Irish Street | 322 | 37 |
Murray | John | Magherasaul | 263 | 1 | |
Murray | Margaret | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 325 | 46 |
Murray | Mary | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 326 | 85 |
Murray | Mary | Ballymote Middle | 316 | 2 | |
Murray | Mary | Ballynagross Lower. | 195 | 7 | |
Murray | Michael | Corbally | 215 | 3 | |
Murray | Patrick | Downpatrick | Market Street | 324 | 15 |
Murray | Patrick | Downpatrick | Stream Street | 325 | 80 |
Murray | Rachel | Ballynagross Upper | 195 | 3 | |
Murray | Sarah | Demesne of Down | 319 | 29 | |
Murray | Susan | Tyrella South | 291 | 3 | |
Murray | James | Glebe | 233 | 19 | |
Murry | Bernard | Town of Strangford | 211 | 36 |