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'Get Yourself Published' Schools Writing Competition

Throughout 2018 the Lecale & Downe Historical Society will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in a manner of different ways. 2018 will be a double celebration for the society, as it will also be the 35th year in which we have published an annual journal. In 1983, the Society began publishing Lecale Miscellany which was to run for twenty years until it was succeeded by a re-vamped version in 2003, renamed Lecale Review. The purpose of the journal is to record for posterity the history, heritage, culture, folklore and other aspects associated with Lecale and surrounding parts of County Down.

The Lecale & Downe Historical Society has approached several secondary schools in the Lecale vicinity to invite pupils to take part in a local history competition – an opportunity to have their own local history themed article published in the 2018 edition of Lecale Review.

Pupils have been asked to submit an article on a subject of their choice, researched and written by them. The closing date for submissions is 28th February 2018 when a panel of Society volunteers will select the winner, who not only will have their article published in Lecale Review but will receive a prize of £100, plus another £100 for their school. In addition, there will also be a ‘Highly Commended’ prize for a student and their school.

You can download an application pack HERE
· Competition Rules
· Hints & Tips
· Entry Form