The James Cumine Parkinson Letters

Letter 120

March 7th, 1864
Dear Mother,

Altho I have not much to tell you, yet I know that you will be expecting a letter. We have brought stores for the troops from Auckland. We have been lying here a few days. It is a beautiful country. I saw some pine trees about 12 feet or more in diameter and there is any quantity of fish along the shore. I can see some houses ashore which the people had to leave on account of the natives but as far as I can hear the missionaries are greatly to blame. I suppose we will go from here to H.Town and there I shall get your letters by the last two mails. I forgot to mention that we passed within a few yards of where the Orpheus lies. The Bar is very dangerous. I hope that God will soon lay out some means of my getting my living on shore as it is very far from comfortable but I should be very thankful at being been restored to soundness of body and mind. I am not much in writing humour so you must excuse me. Give my love to Sisters and Brothers and remember me to Miss L and etc. and believe me yours affect,

James C. Parkinson.


I hear that Dr Aicken lives about 4 miles from Aukland.