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Front Cover: Court House, Downpatrick. PHOTO: Courtesy of Andrew Campbell, Down Recorder


  1. Message from the President.....R.H. Buchanan
  2. Editorial Comment.....Albert Colmer
  3. Carricknacraw Standing Stone.....M.E. McCord
    • Pen drawing
  4. Buildings at risk.....Helen Hossack
    • The Building at risk Project of the Ulster Architectural Society describes some of the major challenges in Lecale
  5. The early handbells of County Down.....Cormac Bourke
    • Commentary on the few remaining early Christian Hand Bells from the County.
  6. Castle Espie limestone - monumental and building stone.....Jill Kerr
    • The short lived mining of limestone for building and agricultural purposes.
  7. A visit to Lecale by Josias Bodley in 1602.....Tony Wilson
    • A 400 year old letter about an English Captain's sojourn in Lecale soon after the Battle of Kinsale.
  8. St Patrick in Ireland.....Richard Warner
    • An original analysis of St Patrick "the man" rather than "the myth".
  9. Family journey to Ardglass by train.....Peter Davey
    • Happy memories of regular long-ago journeys on a long-gone railway from Belfast to Ardglass.
  10. Dunsford Parish Church.....Ian Gilchrist
    • Pen drawing
  11. Dr William Hamilton Smyth.....George Rice
    • The life and times of a distinguished local medical doctor from the parish of Dunsford.
  12. Is our heritage at risk?.....Dick Oram
    • Worries about the impact of new Government Agencies on "heritage".
  13. Downpatrick's Orange Hall celebrates its centenary.....Albert Colmer
    • The story of the Hall in its first 100 years.
  14. Downpatrick - an urban archaeological appraisal.....Nick Brannon
    • Pre-17th Century Downpatrick as revealed by archaeological excavations.
  15. Struell Wells.....Marion Meek
    • Some thoughts on an ancient (pre-Christian?) 'watering place'.
  16. The Equestrian Order of St Gregory the Great.....Malachy B. McGrady
    • The history, uniform and decoration of a Pontifical Equestrian Order.
  17. Castle Espie limestone - brick, tile and pottery Works.....Frank Maxwell
    • Addition to Jill Kerr's article in this issue.
  18. Editor elected Honorary Member at AGM.....
    • Albert Colmer made Honorary Member.
  19. Down County Museum - update.....Lesley Simpson
    • Report of new people and developments, including new outreach facilities.
  20. Ballyhosset in the Thirties.....John Ritchie
    • Glowing childhood memories.
  21. Thomas Russell - United Irishman.....Ken Dawson
    • An analysis of Russell's role and importance within Irish radicalism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
  22. Excerpts from Downpatrick Timber Yard Day Book of November 1895.....M.E. McCord
    • Some interesting names and addresses of customers from 100 years ago.
  23. Lecale school teacher - father of Canadian copyright law.....Brenda Connolly
    • A teacher/postmaster, born in Downpatrick, becomes the author of Canada's first copyrighted book after successfully lobbying for a copyright law in the new country.
  24. Things remembered about Strangford.....Harry Burnett
    • The first and only passenger plane to Strangford, in 1926 - and other stories.
  25. Ned Kinnet.....Down County Museum
    • Photograph of a local character in the 1880s.

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