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Front Cover: One of the pair of the bronze 'Chevaux de Marly' which stand at the entrance of Downpatrick Race Course. Photo: Courtesy of Bill Hamilton


  1. Message from the President.....Alex Carroll
  2. Visit of Kirk Descendants to Down County Museum.....Albert Colmer
    • After 170 years, the family of a lecale Transportee return to their roots.
  3. Down County Museum.....Lesley Simpson
    • Report on the first full year of the refurbished museum.
  4. St Malachy of Armagh, of Down and of Connor.....Cardinal Cahal B. Daly
    • The life and work of a medieval Irish saint.
  5. Learning to Sail at Strangford.....Harry Burnett
    • Memories of wind and current.
  6. "Farewell to the Blacksmith".....George McKibben
    • The story of a Kilclief blacksmith and his apprentice - with poem.
  7. The first car in Co. Down - 1902.....Victor Seed
    • Built by a bicycle company, no reverse gear, lamp wicks in the carburettor, but it went - at 20 mph.
  8. A XVth Century Breviary used at Down.....Al Connolly
    • Description of an unidentified Breviary in the Bodleian Library.
  9. The SS Great Britain of 'Tyrella and The Falklands' fame.....Al Connolly
    • The 1847 grounding and subsequent recovery of IK Brunel's great ship in Dundrum Bay.
  10. An Extraordinary days Walk.....F.J. Maxwell
    • From Lecale to the top of Slieve Donard, via Bryansford, and back again, in 1795 - some hike!
  11. The Names of Downpatrick.....Anthony M. Wilson
    • How the name of the settlement, and town, changed over 36 centuries, just as the people who lived here changed.
  12. Prisoners in Co. Down Gaol.....Gerard Lennon
    • The variety of prisoners held or executed in, or transported from, the County Gaol between 1796 and 1830.
  13. Inch Abbey.....Albert Colmer
    • Editorial comment about an article in Issue No. 9.
  14. Archaeological Finds from Ballymote Middle, Downpatrick.....Christopher Leatham
    • Interesting discoveries in the fields and hills of a local townland.
  15. Notes on the Cross of Downpatrick.....Cormac Bourke
    • The crucifixion scenes on the cross may be based on a Mediterranean model.
  16. Somes Notes on Downpatrick in the Eighteenth Century.....Fred Rankin
    • The arrival and departure of the Cromwells and the the Southwells and their legacy in Lecale.
  17. Killough Mill.....M.E. McCord
    • Pen drawing
  18. The Christmas Rhymers in Downpatrick.....Eric Malone
    • Mummers in the middle years of the twentieth century.
  19. More on the Ballyclander Ballroom Story.....Albert Colmer
    • Identification of the former "fun palace" - with photographs.
  20. Saint Caelan of Kilclif.....Eilis Fitzsimons
    • The life of little known Kilclief saint, ordained by St Patrick, and the church he founded.
  21. Health Care in Ardglass 80 years ago......Adam Capper
    • A sailor, feeling poorly, gets Rolls Royce treatment - no expense spared.
  22. The Past Times and Pastime of Golf.....Ivor. D. Ray
    • Some notes on the introduction of golf into Ireland and its subsequent spread throughout the country.
  23. Down High School Crest.....Tom Stevenson
    • The symbolism behind the design.
  24. Down High School: Its Foundation and Early Years.....R.A. Coffey
    • The long campaign for, successful establishment, and consolidation of the High School.
  25. Is Downpatrick Courthouse Haunted?.....Maureen Hunter
    • Some blunt speaking!
  26. The Downpatrick and Newry Railway.....Michael Collins
    • Rival railway schemes ensure the failure of both.
  27. Judge Christian's Trip to Ireland.....Eleanor Seed
    • 1888 letter from Ireland.
  28. Re-opening of Downpatrick Courthouse.....Maureen Hunter
    • Refurbishment provided an insight into how the original Courthouse looked.
  29. Signal Station Ceremony Recalls First Irish Arrivals.....M.E. McCord
    • Reminiscences from Australia on the 200 anniversary of the arrival of the first Irish convict ship to the penal settlement of New South Wales.

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