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Front Cover: Ballydugan Flour Mill was once owned by John Auchinleck and was a 'going concern' in December 1792.


  1. Message from The President.....Dick Gifford
  2. Notes From The Museum.....M. Lesley Simpson
    • The Assistant Curator reports progress on the building work at the Cell Block and on the continuing efforts to develop the Museum's services and collections.
  3. A medieval Helmet from Lough Henny, Co Down.....Cormac Bourke
    • An account of a (c. 1400) helmet of an Italian type found on a crannog.
  4. Adam's Gold.....Alys Russell
    • The concealed wealth of a murdered farmer brings no lasting joy to the finder.
  5. Local Sayings.....Mary E. Croskery
  6. "Taking the Pledge" in Stangford.....John Ritchie
    • A successful campaign to defeat the demon drink in the early 19th century.
  7. The Old McClurg House at "The Shore".....John Bassett
    • An exile's reminiscences of her old home by the sea.
  8. Remarkable Escape from Drowning.....Frank Maxwell
    • Saved by her underwear!
  9. Memories of School days in Strangford.....Harry Burnett
    • Second part of schooldays recollections (see Lecale Miscellany No.7 1989).
  10. Pupils at St Joseph's Primary School, Strangford, 1980.....Submitted by John Ritchie
    • School photograph
  11. John Kirk - a Prisoner of The Crown, a Case Study .....Gerard Lennon
    • Unsuccessful attempts to reduce a sentence of transportation to Australia in the early 1800s.
  12. Saul Dam.....Submitted by Eithne Croskery
    • Photograph about 1850.
  13. Some Downpatrick Maps.....Anthony M. Wilson
    • Four maps from the early 18th century provide an interesting insight on the layout and topography of the town.
  14. Hay making July 1937 Style......Submitted by Eithne Croskery
    • Photograph
  15. The Sage of Sheepland More.....M.E. McCord
    • One of the last seanachies of Lecale - fiddler, fisherman and autodidact.
  16. A Souterrain in Spittle Quarter Townland, Co Down.....Nick Brannon
    • A 27m, five-chambered structure not associated with any apparent human settlement.
  17. Downpatrick Characters of Bygone Days .....Elizabeth Cochrane
    • Bird whistler; orange peel denture wearer; backward walker; hymns and oaths - cast of long ago characters.
  18. Juggle with the Figures.....Dick Gifford
    • The day the Americans discovered Downpatrick.
  19. Walshestown Castle - Late 16th Century.....J.D. McCord
    • Pen drawing
  20. The East Window in Down Cathedral.....Fred Rankin
    • The tangled story of a stained glass window and an explanation of its detail.
  21. Map of Ireland Isle. Formerly in Strangford National School.....Submitted by M. McConville
    • A Photograph.
  22. Sphynx or Saint?.....Ivor Ray
    • An unusual rock formation.
  23. The Foundations and Early History of the Southwell Schools, Downpatrick 1733-1800.....R.A. Coffee
    • The development of education provision in the 18th century; in particular the establishment of the Southwell Schools in 1733 with notes on their management, teachers, scholars and curriculum.
  24. The South Down Militia.....Dick Gifford
    • Recollections of some of the old soldiers (The terrors of the land) who had occupied the Militia Barracks (now Down County Museum).

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