The Nannie Cinnamon and Kate Trimble Letters

Letter 40

Sunday noon

Dear Mrs Parkinson

I thank you on behalf of myself and Kate for your more than kind invitation but she left us yesterday morning by rail and I trust she has safely arrived. I thought you were aware? of her going on Saturday ad that she had bade goodbye. She had a letter just before setting out from Dear Miss Lascelles regretting she could not go to Killough. She also mentioned .. James having arrived in Liverpool which I see by your note is not he case. I rejoice to know you will if spared soon see him and almost envy your feeling. I am heartily glad you have escaped to a house of our own, and things will now I trust be more comfortable. That they may be so in every department of life is the sincere wish of yours gratefully.

Mary Rogan

my respects to Mr Parkinson and love to Mrs? Catherine